
Showing posts from July, 2018

Retirement Readiness Improves from Generation to Generation

Are people becoming more savvy about ensuring their retirement won’t be like something out of the “Hunger Games?” Perhaps. Two years ago, Fidelity Investments  (  created a unique way of measuring not only how close working Americans are to meeting their post-retirement expenses, but also how different generations — Baby Boomers, Gen Exers, and Gen Yers — compare to one another. The one stand-out back then was Boomers. Now that same measure, the Retirement Preparedness Measure (RPM), is signaling more widespread improvement — due in large part to what John Sweeney, Fidelity’s executive vice president of retirement and investment strategies, ascribes to “across-the-board savings, and investments being allocated in a more age-appropriate way.” Specifically, the number of people likely to afford at least their essential expenses in retirement jumped seven percentage points since 2013, from 30 to 45 percent, according to the firm’s biennial “Retirement Sa...

Don’t Take the Medicare Bait

By Armstrong Williams For NewsUSA The folks over at National Journal run a Congressional Insiders and Political Insiders poll every week.  The informal survey of Members of Congress, Senators and political flaks is a great snapshot inside the minds of some of the key decision-makers in Washington. Last week, the editors ask how wise it is for Republicans to take on cuts in  Medicare funding , particularly in the form of vouchers for Medicare.  The idea behind such instruments, of course, is to affix a price point to Medicare usage for seniors and begin to get a handle on the uncontrollable spending in the program, particularly in 2011 – the first year the Boomers begin turning 65. A lot has been said and written surrounding the integrity of such a voucher plan.  So I won’t debate the merits here. The question put to Insiders was, “Is it smart for Republicans to offer vouchers now?” Since I wasn’t asked, I’ll give my answer here – No, it’s not.  ...

Avoid Body Drought — How to Prevent Dehydration

It’s in every living cell, tissue and organ, and it’s second only to oxygen as the thing we need most to survive—pure, clean water. We can’t live without it, and we can’t live well without enough of it. We are constantly in need of water as we lose water with every breath and every activity of the body. We are especially at risk for dehydration when we exercise or we are ill—this is when dehydration, even mild dehydration, can take its toll, causing you to feel tired and drained of energy. Anyone may become dehydrated, but young children, older adults and people with chronic illnesses are most at risk. Dr. Julie Scarano, a  doctor of chiropractic  who is trained in prevention and wellness (in addition to providing care for neuromusculoskeletal conditions such as neck or back pain, for which chiropractors are most well known) believes it’s better to prevent dehydration than to treat it. She also reminds you that the 23 intervertebral discs in your spine have high water c...

The Roots Of Alternative Medicine

By: Lee Dobbins Alternative medicine and modern medicine have may differences and whose to say which is best?  Today, we expect doctors and medicines to fix whatever ails us instantly and doctors only look at the current physical problem when diagnosing our needs. Alternative or holistic medicine, on the other hand, takes many different factors into consideration before prescribing a cure.  This type of healing has been in use for thousands of years and can be very effective.  It concerns itself  not only with the physical problem, but with the problems of the "whole" self. Alternative medicine includes massage, therapy, herbal tea, herbal medicine and millions of people today still use these types of treatments instead of or in addition to modern medicine.  Different cultures have had their own specific types of alternative medicine and many different types of treatments.  Many of these treatments have survived and are still effective today. ...

Magnetic Therapy for Pain Relief

By: George Tarr Although mainstream science has yet to recognize magnet therapy as an effective branch of alternative medicine, an increasingly large number of people are beginning to use it as a supplementary treatment for a variety of health-related conditions. Personal testimonials as to the positive effects of magnet therapy are plenty, attesting to the general satisfaction of its practitioners. Those opposed to magnet therapy often argue that positive results are merely a product of the placebo effect - but to that we say, who cares? If the purpose of a therapy is to relieve the sensation of pain, and the therapy achieves that purpose successfully, then the therapy - placebo or not - is an effective one. The goal of this article is not to argue the effectiveness of magnet therapy, for that is another matter in itself. Rather, we would like to provide you with an overview of some of the more common uses of magnet therapy, focusing on the use of magnets as a supplementary treat...

Insomnia a Herbal Remedy

By: Philip Jubb A herbal remedy for insomnia is probably the most popular herbal remedy reccomended in the western hemisphere today. With anything from 10 to 20 percent of the American adult population claiming to suffer from insomnia at any one time the search for relief is on. Notice I said relief. It should be stressed that only behavioral or psychologic techniques can actually cure insomnia, whereas prolonged use of sleeping pills can only result in dependency. Hence an insomnia herbal remedy is good! There a large number of herbs that you may (and I say MAY) find helpful as a insomnia herbal remedy. Before testing any insomnia herbal remedy you should consult your Doctor or other Health Professional before self medicating. Lets face it most drugs are good and er bad. I'll list some of the main insomnia herbal remedys here and add a few notes. Others insomnia herbal remedys are mentioned at great length in the books mentioned at the bottom of the article. Essential o...